Friday, January 11, 2013

When You're Hot.. Your're Not

My normal temp is around 97.6. If it's much over that, I have a fever and I'm sick.

But, I have noticed, especially lately, that my body's internal thermostat seems to be broken. I can't self-regulate very well at all. I'm very cold and then I'm flushed and sweaty, back and forth, over and over and over.. all of the time.

It's 50 degrees outside at night and I'm still putting the air on for 30 minutes, then I start to freeze, turn the air off and put on a sweater. The process begins again. It's very frustrating!

I really have come to believe that my brain is just broken - like a light bulb that is not screwed in tight and flickering constantly, not sure if it wants to work or not or be on or off.

*Faucet picture courtesy of:

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