Monday, December 16, 2013

All I Want Is A Cure.. And Good News

Last year at this time, they found a tumor in an adrenal gland that sits just on top of my right kidney.  The tumor was approximately 2.2 cm big.  When I heard about the discovery of it and the size, I was frightened.  I may have even panicked a little bit over the next few weeks as they scheduled me to see an Endoscopy doctor and to have a lot of urine and blood tests done - most of which had to be sent away to specialized labs.

Being a control freak and dedicated to knowledge of my own health issues, I demanded a print out of every lab test they were sending away.  I wanted to research them at home.  There's a great site that explains lab tests and I'll share it here:

If you have the actual lab test name from a print out, you can find it on the list that site provides and it will educate you about the test, how it's performed and why.  Pretty good information to have, in my opinion.

So, I read up on the tests and waited for results to come back.  When they did, everything was within normal ranges.  That meant that the tumor was not cancerous and just as important, it was not active. Because it rests in one of the adrenal glands, it can cause serious, threatening changes in some of the hormones/body chemicals.  

I saw the doctor, he verified that things looked good and said we could wait a year and check it again just to be sure there were no changes.

Last week, I went through that same battery of tests.  The results from those far-flung labs are just now trickling onto my chart at the clinic.  Of the three tests presently back, two of them have abnormal levels.  I'm worried and trying not to be.  I spent weeks last year agonizing over this, talking about it, analyzing every possible outcome and for what?  I was fine.

So.. why borrow trouble?  I'm smoothing my ruffled feathers down and waiting for a call from the doctor or nurse.  I see him in two weeks but I called and left a message, basically saying - Have you seen the results yet, are they bad, call me!

Time will tell.  In the meantime, I'm saying a little prayer that it's not bad news because at the risk of sounding pitiful, I have enough things wrong with body to deal with.  Please God, give me a pass on this like you did last year.  A Christmas present of an inactive tumor would be great.  Amen.

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