Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cover Girl & Clairol

This picture reminds me of two fibromyalgia patients sitting next to one another in their shared purgatory of yet another doctor's appointment.

It's symbolic of how we look on the inside showing up on the outside - messy, smeared and blurry.   How we attempt to hide the physical manifestation of a disease but the truth is there to be seen:  Pale skin, a grimacing twist of the lips, hollow and pain dulled eyes that still  manage to convey our anger, shock and disgust with what is happening to our bodies.

There is a kinship, two strangers and yet they know things about one another that nobody else does, or understands, like they do. 

Therein lies the sense of ironic amusement to be found in my interpretation of the meme - we know the brutal truth of our circumstances and we still look over at the next guy and give a thumbs up to their frightful hair.  

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